יום שלישי, ספטמבר 07, 2004

bush rocks the nation

in his well prepared speach bush gave a good layout on his futre term on what he plans to do the next 4 years as president, and the best part what i thing, was what he said on terrisem and the war against our enemys, well about isreal i tought he will be more open and talk more extreme like rudi on monday, but he described isreal as a friend and isreal should leave in peace, (like always when he talkes to the nation about the futre of the u.s., like the state of the union adress, etc.) well thats better from kerry that talked nothing about isreal! well thats it about the speach... i thing so.. =what do you say about the speach?
if any one knows how to tybe in hebrew on this blog please let me know, so as soon i could tybe in yiddish i will start will long awaited satmer politics, so tay tuned!!


Anonymous אנונימי said...

i cant wait for the satmer politics, and how bush talked was realy great

12:52 PM  
Anonymous אנונימי said...

bush speak was xccelent i realy liked how he talked about the war on the terorists, and he wont give up the the fight, i thing bush is one of the greatst leaders who will give bent for no terrorist; r' ahron keep up your good jop! i thing this is better than the satmer politics..

7:01 PM  

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